Lets Encrypt SSL Lightsail AWS Securing WordPress on AWS Lightsail with Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates - This blog currently runs on Amazon Lightsail. Details of how I set it up and migrated content from my previous provider can be found in this earlier blog post – https://www.adrianmilne.com/migrating-wordpress-blog-amazon-aws-lightsail/. Up until now, it has only been available on
AWS Summit London 2019 AWS Summit London 2019 - I realised earlier this year the last tech conference I attended was JAX London in 2015. I generally like to attend something every 2 or 3 years to keep up to date with what’s trending in the industry. It’s been
spock-groovy-feature Spock Argument Constraints vs Argument Capture - I’ve been writing Unit Tests with Spock and Groovy on and off for a couple of years now. I’ve often had to check the properties of object argument parameters that are passed to methods on mocked objects. I’ve used a
logitech-feature Living with the Logitech K480 Bluetooth Keyboard - I’m really trying to ramp up my writing volume at the moment. Partly because I’ve got so much to do on my personal projects, and partly just to try and improve my writing skills. The most consistent advice I come
alexa hoodie feature A free Alexa Hoodie (and one month of my FizzBuzzBongo skill) - It’s been just over a month now since I released my first Alexa skill into the store (FizzBuzzBongo). It wasn’t really a serious skill – just a bit of fun (albeit with a database and interactivity) to test out the
Alexa Feature 3 Developing an Alexa Skill: Part 3, Publishing the Skill - This is the third in a series of ‘how-to’ articles on creating an interactive Alexa Skill. The skill is called ‘Fizz Buzz Bongo’ and is available in the Alexa Skills Store. It’s a variation on the classic ‘Fizz Buzz’ programmer
Alexa Feature 2 Developing an Alexa Skill: Part 2, Deploying to AWS Using Terraform - This is the second in a series of ‘how-to’ articles on creating an interactive Alexa Skill. The skill is called ‘Fizz Buzz Bongo’ and is available in the Alexa Skills Store. It’s a variation on the classic ‘Fizz Buzz’ programmer
Alexa Feature 1 Developing an Alexa Skill: Part 1, Create Java Lambda - This is the first in a series of ‘how-to’ articles on creating an interactive Alexa Skill. The skill is called ‘Fizz Buzz Bongo’ and is available in the Alexa Skills Store. It’s a variation on the classic ‘Fizz Buzz’ programmer
wordpress-migrator-mamp Migrate and Run Multiple WordPress Sites Locally Using UpdraftPlus Migrator and MAMP - I currently have 3 WordPress sites which I host on AWS Lightsail. I use the free version of the UpdraftPlus plugin to ensure they are all backed up on a regular basis (with backups automatically being pushed remotely to DropBox).
MacOS Sierra & WD Elements “Couldn’t Unmount Disk” Problem - A tale of a brand new disk drive, a 2TB backup, a disk failure and finally a recovery… (Visited 2,197 times, 1 visits today)
(Visited 31 times, 1 visits today)
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